How a hospital sought to reduce strain on staff and improve outcomes using new enterprise imaging technology

2019-10-25T10:30:50+02:00October 25th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, General|

Interesting article by Healthcare IT News about visit to Princess Alexandra Hospital in England earlier this month to speak to staff about the impact of the new system: The need to address the NHS' sh [...]

Two become one with the unified Enterprise Imaging platform: Case Study Ghent University Hospital

2019-10-14T11:11:16+02:00October 14th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, General|

For busy Ghent University Hospital, Belgium, a consolidated image management platform and a host of new functionalities are changing how image and data management impacts the hospital’s diverse respon [...]

Agfa HealthCare’s Francisco Pérez elected HL7 Fellow

2019-10-10T09:59:06+02:00October 10th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, General|

We're very proud to announce that Agfa HealthCare's Francisco Pérez was elected HL7 Fellow during the 33rd Annual Plenary and Working Group Meeting of HL7 International in Atlanta. With a mission to p [...]

#BTheBestUCanB Athletes success continues at Sundowner Triathlon

2019-09-09T17:44:19+02:00September 9th, 2019|Events & Exhibitions, General|

The Sundowner Triathlon is a middle-distance event consisting of a 1.9km open water swim, 90km bike and 21km run. It takes place in East Yorkshire on a Saturday afternoon, so competitors are crossing [...]

Discovering the Value of Enterprise Imaging for the Radiologist – Just in time to register for the #SIIMWebinar

2022-02-21T10:32:17+01:00September 4th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, General|

How does a Radiologist benefit from access to images from across the enterprise ? During today's #SIIMWebinar Jason Knox, Agfa HealthCare's Enterprise Imaging Solutions Manager, together with Cheryl [...]

Haaglanden Medisch Centrum kiest voor DOSE van Agfa HealthCare om de dosisbewaking op zijn verschillende locaties te harmoniseren

2019-06-27T11:12:38+02:00June 27th, 2019|General|

Agfa HealthCare maakt bekend dat het Nederlandse Haaglanden Medisch Centrum (HMC) besloten heeft om de DOSE-oplossing te implementeren op zijn drie ziekenhuislocaties: HMC Antoniushove, HMC Bronovo en [...]

Canisius-Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis (CWZ) in Nijmegen kiest voor één beeldsysteem voor nagenoeg alle specialismen

2019-06-12T13:49:28+02:00June 12th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, General|

CWZ kiest voor één beeldsysteem van Agfa HealthCare om ambities voor de toekomst op het gebied van doelmatigheid, kwaliteit en veiligheid vorm te geven. Het Canisius-Wilhelmina Ziekenhuis (CWZ) in Nij [...]

Next week in Helsinki: HIMSS & Health 2.0 European Conference 2019

2019-06-03T15:05:56+02:00June 3rd, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Events & Exhibitions, General|

This week we're getting ready for one of the most influential digital health conference in Europe: the HIMSS & Health 2.0 European Conference 2019, taking place next week in Helsinki. The 3 day ev [...]

Printed on : 12/03/2025 06:20
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