How a hospital sought to reduce strain on staff and improve outcomes using new enterprise imaging technology

2019-10-25T10:30:50+02:00October 25th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, General|

Interesting article by Healthcare IT News about visit to Princess Alexandra Hospital in England earlier this month to speak to staff about the impact of the new system:

The need to address the NHS’ shortage of radiologists is widely recognised in England, where unmanageable workloads are said to be adding more strain on a workforce already spread too thin. One organisation that has experienced increasing demand on services is Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust (PAHT), located in the south-east, where the radiology department has seen a 10% year-on-year increase in imaging referrals.

The trust, established in 1965, looks after a local population of over 350,000 people, operating across three sites, the Princess Alexandra Hospital, St Margaret’s Hospital and Herts and Essex Hospital.

In 2017, the team set out to procure a new Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS), wanting to iron out some of the challenges staff were facing.

Read here the full article here.

Printed on : 12/02/2025 03:28