Agfa HealthCare Sees Most Satisfied recent Go-Live Validations: KLAS Enterprise Imaging 2021 Performance Report

2021-09-17T10:12:59+02:00March 24th, 2021|Enterprise Imaging, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Image Data Management, Radiology|

The KLAS Research Enterprise Imaging 2021 Performance Report praises Agfa HealthCare for well-coordinated go-lives and excellent technology, resulting in a high overall performance score.

Go live of EI at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, UK, provides a trust-wide platform for improved efficiency and cross-site collaboration

2021-03-22T13:12:32+01:00March 22nd, 2021|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging, Enterprise Imaging Platform, UKI Updates|

With the Hinchingbrooke Hospital go live, the implementation of Enterprise Imaging and XERO Universal Viewer at The North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust is complete and now provides a trust-wide platform for improved efficiency and cross-site collaboration

How to shape a blueprint for progress, with Business Intelligence

2021-03-09T21:21:35+01:00March 9th, 2021|Enterprise Imaging, Radiology|

Business Intelligence aims to transforms data into actionable insights leading to more informed decision-making and improved operational efficiency. A interview with Tommy Vansteenkiste and Willy Rosé

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021

2022-02-23T16:34:17+01:00March 8th, 2021|Events & Exhibitions|

Today is International Women’s Day, a worldwide celebration of women’s achievements, as well as a day of education, empowerment, and action. We want to highlight the joy and inspiration it brings to collaborate with all the driven and dedicated Agfa women.

ECR2021 – Explore the Enterprise Imaging Journey

2021-02-26T15:38:11+01:00February 26th, 2021|Events & Exhibitions, Radiology|

Next week, the ECR 2021 opens its virtual doors. And while we would have loved to catch-up in person in Vienna, we're excited to share on-line opportunities to connect, learn and exchange ideas on how to advance radiology efficiency in your health organisation.

KLAS Latin America PACS 2021 Performance Report: Agfa HealthCare’s Platform Leads Spanish-Speaking Market

2021-02-22T09:45:20+01:00February 11th, 2021|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging, Enterprise Imaging Platform, General|

We’re very proud to share that by scoring above industry average on all surveyed aspects, Agfa HealthCare receives high overall score for its Enterprise Imaging for Radiology Platform in Spanish-Speaking Latin America. As such the platform sets the performance bar for this region.

Utilising the Workflow Engine of Enterprise Imaging at King Faisal Specialist Hospital

2022-02-16T14:33:50+01:00February 4th, 2021|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

King Faisal Specialist Hospital - Jeddah, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia went live with the Agfa HealthCare Enterprise Imaging for Radiology platform. spoke to Mustafa Hamdy, Regional Manager, Middle East region for Agfa HealthCare to learn more about the deployment and their future outlook in this region.

Interesting: SIIM-HIMSS Whitepaper: The Importance of Body Part Labeling to Enable Enterprise Imaging

2021-02-03T12:13:33+01:00February 3rd, 2021|Enterprise Imaging, Enterprise Imaging Platform|

Happy to share another very interesting HIMSS-SIIM Enterprise Imaging Community Collaborative White Paper. This White Paper outlines the benefits of standardized DICOM fields for appropriate anatomical and other clinically relevant metadata. Some very thoughtful recommendations and opportunities for future standardization in enterprise imaging.

Covered in Canadian Healthcare Technology: Integration of XERO™ with Teams enables sharing of images

2021-02-01T12:13:16+01:00February 1st, 2021|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging, Radiology|

Happy to share the article that just appeared in the February issue of Canadian Healthcare Technology on the groundbreaking integration of XERO Viewer and Microsoft Teams.  Following a successful pilot at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, United Kingdom, the innovation is a "game changer" for expert care team collaboration.

Printed on : 15/03/2025 09:52
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