Introducing: True remote diagnostic imaging workflow

2021-12-08T10:40:09+01:00November 30th, 2021|Cardiology, Enterprise Imaging Platform|

Our new web technology for Enterprise Imaging unleashes true remote diagnostic imaging workflows, going beyond image access to enable you to truly do your work wherever and whenever you want. Paul Li [...]

Press Release: Agfa HealthCare receives MDR certification

2021-10-06T16:11:24+02:00September 8th, 2021|Enterprise Imaging Platform|

Agfa HealthCare among the first to receive new European Medical Device Regulation certification for its Class IIa solutions. The new MDR CE marking confirms Agfa HealthCare’s compliance with the highest standards required by care providers. Early certification allows Agfa HealthCare to continue innovating solutions to meet the latest customer needs and requirements, without interruption. The certification is representative of Agfa HealthCare’s long commitment and lifecycle approach to safety, backed by clinical data and supported by clinical evaluation, risk management and quality management systems.

Acquire and Secure Medical Images with Mobile Devices

2021-07-16T10:29:58+02:00July 16th, 2021|Collaboration and Remote Working, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Image Data Management, Non-DICOM Image Data Management|

Paul Lipton and Jason Knox share best practices on how to acquire and secure medical images with mobile devices. Strike a balance between security, privacy and speed of patient care delivery.

Utrecht University’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine becomes first in the Netherlands with a 100% Agfa HealthCare Cloud-hosted image management system

2021-06-30T08:37:22+02:00June 30th, 2021|Enterprise Imaging, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Image Data Management|

(Dutch text below) On April 10, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University went live with a completely new Enterprise Imaging environment, fully hosted in the Agfa HealthCare Cloud – th [...]

Enrich Patient Imaging Records with Enterprise Imaging VNA

2021-06-07T10:29:13+02:00June 7th, 2021|Enterprise Imaging, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Image Data Management, Non-DICOM Image Data Management|

No more information silos! Consolidate and manage all your imaging data, from multiple systems, departments, facilities and vendors, in a single, central archive. Enrich your patient imaging records with an Enterprise Imaging VNA. 6 good reasons to transition and an interview with Agfa HealthCare Program Manager, Christien Lefebvre.

KLAS & Censinet recognize Agfa HealthCare as Cybersecurity Transparent. Agfa is one of the 26 “Cybersecurity Ready” pioneers

2021-07-02T14:59:36+02:00June 1st, 2021|Enterprise Imaging Platform|

To support healthcare providers in decreasing risk when purchasing and managing vendor relationships, KLAS Research has recently launched a new line of research, exclusively focused on cybersecurity, in collaboration with Censinet. Agfa HealthCare is proud to be recognized by KLAS/Censinet as one of the pioneers in this cybersecurity evaluation.

What is Enterprise Imaging, really ? And how will it benefit your organization ?

2021-09-14T13:08:26+02:00May 26th, 2021|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Image Data Management|

Enterprise imaging — or EI — plays an important role in the shift toward value-based care and is the next logical investment for many following the electronic health record. But what is Enterprise Imaging, really? Will it benefit your organization? And how can an organization successfully integrate EI into its digital transformation vision and strategy? Download this White Paper for answers.

Printed on : 31/03/2025 09:10
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