Case study: Personalized, end-to-end care for cancer patients at IFO, Rome, Italy

2021-01-20T12:31:26+01:00January 20th, 2021|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging|

At IFO, in Rome, Italy, Enterprise Imaging supports the multidisciplinary needs of the oncology hospital and research center, while enhancing the productivity of the radiology service.

AdventHealth – One Unified System. One Team. One Holistic View.

2020-12-15T12:16:54+01:00December 15th, 2020|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging|

With a clear vision, an ambition to grow and a very knowledgeable team, Florida-based AdventHealth is one of those customers that are a dream to work with. We're excited to share this recent conversa [...]

#RSNA20 – How to empower health team collaboration

2021-01-25T10:28:39+01:00December 14th, 2020|Customer Case, Events & Exhibitions, Radiology|

How to empower health team collaboration ? Watch this extract from the #RSNA20 - Microsoft Lunch and Learn on the Microsoft Teams & XERO Viewer integration Introduced by Microsoft CVP Greg Moore, [...]

Clinica Universidad de Los Andes, Chile: Transition Project to Enterprise Imaging

2020-12-08T11:16:37+01:00December 4th, 2020|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging|

Proud to share this update on Clínica Universidad de Los Andes in Chile. This non-profit teaching institution offers a comprehensive medical service and recently went live with Enterprise Imaging. Up [...]

#RSNA20 – Agfa HealthCare reveals RUBEE™ for AI, the intelligence behind Enterprise Imaging

2020-11-30T11:51:57+01:00November 30th, 2020|Augmented Intelligence & Business Analytics, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Events & Exhibitions|

NEW Product launch announcement Evidence-based, specialty focused clinical packages offer smart tools and advanced visualizations, workflow automation and decision support. RUBEEâ„¢ for AI lays [...]

#RSNA20 – The Enterprise Imaging for Radiology Journey – Start Exploring

2020-11-30T09:53:41+01:00November 29th, 2020|Enterprise Imaging, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Events & Exhibitions, Radiology|

Yes! RSNA 2020 has opened its doors! And although fully virtual, once again RSNA offers so many opportunities to learn, discover innovations, discuss with peers and experts. We're excited to present [...]

#RSNA20 – Shared Workflows. Work closely, even when far apart

2020-11-27T12:36:15+01:00November 27th, 2020|Enterprise Imaging, Events & Exhibitions, Radiology|

The upcoming RSNA 2020 will again highlight the role of a radiologist, as becoming ever more central to healthcare. But that comes at a cost and many radiology departments are overloaded with work. D [...]

AUNA – Transforming and leading healthcare in Peru with Enterprise Imaging

2020-11-25T14:48:26+01:00November 24th, 2020|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging, Enterprise Imaging Platform|

Proud to share this update on leading health network AUNA in Peru and Colombia. Update in Spanish (english version below).  AUNA | Proyecto de Transición a Enterprise Imaging Con el propósito de tran [...]

Printed on : 15/03/2025 12:17
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