#RSNA2019 : Visualize the Possibilities – Expert Sessions

2022-02-23T16:41:05+01:00October 25th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform|

In just over a month, the global radiology community will be meeting again in Chicago, at RSNA 2019, the largest medical imaging forum in the world. Under the theme “See Possibilities Together”, over 25,000 radiology professionals will get dive into the latest research, enhance their skills at over 400 educational courses, and together shape the radiology of tomorrow.

Visualize the Possibilities. Expert Sessions. New! 

This year, At the Agfa HealthCare booth, we’re hosting a series of Expert Sessions on hot topics in Radiology. A combined panel of customers and Agfa HealthCare’s experts will share with you the real-world possibilities with Enterprise Imaging. Learn from the successes achieved by UMass Memorial, Southern Ohio Medical Center, University of Texas Health San Antonio, The Princess Alexandra Health NHS Trust, etc.

From a session on Efficiency gains with Enterprise Imaging for Radiology, to a visionary session on Evidence-based AI in Radiology to a engaging discussion on how to be successful in the implementation of Enterprise Imaging.
Check out the full programme and see how they can relate to your success.
The Expert Sessions take place at Booth #4705, South Hall, every day at 11AM, 2PM, 3PM.


Hands-on experience. Secure your time slot now.

At Agfa HealthCare we are, just like every year, very excited to participate , looking forward to join the energy, exchange ideas and share visions. Our experts are getting ready for hand-on demonstrations on the latest advancements and innovations in Enterprise Imaging for Radiology.
Make sure to schedule an appointment and secure your time slot. 

Printed on : 12/02/2025 05:31