#StrongerTogether – eLearning: 24/7 access to key knowledge

2020-09-08T12:37:02+02:00May 6th, 2020|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology, UKI Updates|

In a crisis, all the medical professionals are needed at the front line, but you also need them trained and up-to speed with the latest tools and procedures. Due to travel and social distancing restri [...]

Agfa-Gevaert Group successfully completes sale of selected parts of the Agfa HealthCare IT business to the Dedalus Group.

2020-09-08T12:37:11+02:00May 5th, 2020|General, UKI Updates|

Agfa HealthCare Imaging IT business continues to be a leader in Enterprise Imaging and a key business for the Agfa-Gevaert Group. Sale of selected parts of the IT business to the Dedalus Group include [...]

COVID-19 LESSONS: 5 Reasons why Health Systems need to implement an Enterprise Imaging Platform

2020-09-08T12:37:23+02:00May 4th, 2020|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

An expert insight from Agfa HealthCare's Chief Medical Officer,  Dr. Anjum M. Ahmed COVID-19 is now everywhere. Before I proceed any further, I want to take a moment to offer condolences to the famili [...]

Children’s Minnesota Goes Live – Seamlessly supported 100% remotely

2020-08-18T10:09:10+02:00May 1st, 2020|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging Platform|

Despite Coronavirus pandemic restrictions, Children’s Minnesota Hospital and Agfa HealthCare seamlessly consolidated the Level 1 trauma center’s cardiovascular IT systems into the Enterprise Imaging P [...]

#StrongerTogether – Partner Program Remote Reporting in North America

2020-09-08T12:37:40+02:00April 29th, 2020|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

During the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenged it brings to care delivery, the continuity of radiology reporting activities is crucial. To help care networks provide fast, robust remote reporting cap [...]

#StrongerTogether – Using data to better measure, understand, predict and take action

2020-09-08T12:37:57+02:00April 23rd, 2020|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

Customers around the globe have been using Business intelligence tools to mine their radiology order and report data. Not only to help monitor the current pandemic, plan for radiology capacity but als [...]

XERO Exchange Technology LIVE across 7 NHS Trusts, and the NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber

2020-09-08T12:38:04+02:00April 22nd, 2020|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

We're extremely proud to share the media release of the Yorkshire Imaging Collaborative in the UK. The new image sharing technology enables the connected hospitals, which collectively cover a patient [...]

KLAS – COVID-19 Technology & Services Solutions Guide

2020-09-08T12:38:13+02:00April 20th, 2020|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

KLAS Research has put together the COVID-19 Technology & Services Solutions Guide, providing an overview of what the vendor community is doing/can do to help healthcare organizations in this crisi [...]

#StrongerTogether – Adding COVID-19 specific terminology to the speech recognition lexicon

2020-09-08T12:39:25+02:00April 15th, 2020|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

Since they are not standard in the Radiology lexicon, we received feedback from some radiologists their speech recognition software for fast reporting was struggling with the recognition of new terms like Corona or COVID-19. This was slowing down the reporting turnaround, since repeated manual correction of the not-recognized terms was needed.

#StrongerTogether: Partner configuration – MediReport COVID-19 Update

2020-09-08T12:38:38+02:00April 14th, 2020|Cardiology, Enterprise Imaging Platform|

COVID-19 specific update available in CardioReport Our partner for cardiology solutions (*), MediReport, is making a COVID-19 specific update available in the CardioReport reporting module. This updat [...]

#StrongerTogether – Balance the load – Image sharing across hospital networks and regions

2020-09-08T12:38:49+02:00April 8th, 2020|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

In many countries, the COVID-19 outbreak requires the collaboration and image sharing across hospitals, hospital networks and geographical regions. Some hospitals are centralizing triage of patients a [...]

Printed on : 16/03/2025 03:39
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