Going All In – Video Series Zuckerberg San Francisco General – episode #1

2020-09-08T12:45:31+02:00December 17th, 2019|Customer Case, Enterprise Imaging Platform, Radiology|

With a vision of building 2 towers, an EMR one and an imaging one, and building a bridge between them, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital (US) has made all care, all images, from all patients accessible across the care continuum.

To support this, the hospital decided a few years ago, to “Go all in” on Enterprise Imaging: A deeply knowledgeable team of experts worked together with Agfa HealthCare, to expand the imaging vision and expertise across the entire organization and to support the delivery of high impact care.

Watch the videos series with RJ Merck Radiology IT Supervisor at Zuckerberg San Francisco General.

Episode 1: Extending IT Vision and Expertise

[vc_video link=’https://youtu.be/KWZvfR2A7sA’]


To watch the full series, access the full playlist here.

To learn more on Enterprise Imaging for your organisation, click here.

Printed on : 22/10/2024 06:08
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