Better. Faster. More Efficient – Driving clinical confidence

2022-02-21T09:59:05+01:00October 31st, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Events & Exhibitions, General|

Radiology departments around the globe realize productivity benefits with Enterprise Imaging for Radiology, while supporting a smarter, more effective delivery of patient care. The secure, scalable, consolidated image management platform removes traditional barriers to medical imaging, enables multi-specialty care team collaboration and enhanced cross-platform mobility.

By delivering fast access to  patients’ clinical imaging data, in context, across sites and domains and inspire confidence across the care continuum, Agfa HealthCare, with Enterprise Imaging for Radiology, is empowering radiology departments to make a difference.

Deliver fast access to your patients’ clinical imaging data, in context, across sites and domains. Inspire confidence along the care continuum.

Keeping your staff on target and satisfied

  • Staff are aware of their assigned tasks in real-time
  • Built-in, advanced clinical tools, save time and effort
  • Consistent workflow creates a confident reading environment

Learning environment helps improve quality

  • Share feedback among peers, facilitate continuous improvement
  • Incidents can be traced, and the root causes determined and solved
  • Meet quality assurance, certification and accreditations requirements

Insight into your operations for better-informed decisions

  • Live dashboard gives you a real-time view of the department’s operations
  • provides actionable information to resolve any bottlenecks
  • Optimize resource allocation
  • Increase the satisfaction of patients and referring physicians.


Enterprise Imaging creates an imaging ecosystem that helps you to support clinical confidence.
To see how, watch the clip. To discover more, click here.

Watch the video

Interested in how to inspire clinical confidence in your organization? Schedule an appointment for an expert demonstration at RSNA 2019 and visualize the possibilities! 

Printed on : 12/02/2025 04:04