At RSNA 2021, Agfa HealthCare showcases a suite of technology innovations helping improve Radiology productivity and value

2021-11-09T14:11:31+01:00November 9th, 2021|Events & Exhibitions|

PRESS RELEASE Mortsel, Belgium – 9 November 2021 – 14:00 CET With new productivity features and functionalities, Agfa HealthCare demonstrates how the right tools can help radiology leadership derive [...]


2021-11-08T13:48:46+01:00November 8th, 2021|Events & Exhibitions, Uncategorised|

Today, like every year on November 8th, we are delighted to join the celebrations for the International Day of Radiology. A day dedicated to radiologists, radiographers and radiological technologists, a day to highlight the essential role they have in delivering high-quality patient care. We are proud to be your partner and wish you a joyous day!

Let’s “Connect and Transform” at UKIO 2021

2021-06-09T11:37:14+02:00June 9th, 2021|Events & Exhibitions, Image Data Management, Radiology|

UKIO 2021 Connect and Transform - UKIO 2021 has opened its virtual doors and we're excited to participate and contribute. This year’s theme of "Connect and Transform" is especially close to our heart, so we are delighted to invite you to join the Agfa HealthCare-hosted sessions. 

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2021

2022-02-23T16:34:17+01:00March 8th, 2021|Events & Exhibitions|

Today is International Women’s Day, a worldwide celebration of women’s achievements, as well as a day of education, empowerment, and action. We want to highlight the joy and inspiration it brings to collaborate with all the driven and dedicated Agfa women.

ECR2021 – Explore the Enterprise Imaging Journey

2021-02-26T15:38:11+01:00February 26th, 2021|Events & Exhibitions, Radiology|

Next week, the ECR 2021 opens its virtual doors. And while we would have loved to catch-up in person in Vienna, we're excited to share on-line opportunities to connect, learn and exchange ideas on how to advance radiology efficiency in your health organisation.

#RSNA20 – How to empower health team collaboration

2021-01-25T10:28:39+01:00December 14th, 2020|Customer Case, Events & Exhibitions, Radiology|

How to empower health team collaboration ? Watch this extract from the #RSNA20 - Microsoft Lunch and Learn on the Microsoft Teams & XERO Viewer integration Introduced by Microsoft CVP Greg Moore, [...]

Printed on : 31/03/2025 09:42
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