Better. Faster. More Efficient – Productivity features that make a difference

2022-02-21T10:01:01+01:00October 31st, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Events & Exhibitions, General|

Radiology departments around the globe realize productivity benefits with Enterprise Imaging for Radiology, while supporting a smarter, more effective delivery of patient care. The secure, scalable, consolidated image management platform removes traditional barriers to medical imaging, enables multi-specialty care team collaboration and enhanced cross-platform mobility.

With productivity features that support staff and enable the delivery of quality patient care, Agfa HealthCare, with Enterprise Imaging for Radiology, is empowering radiology departments to make a difference.
How does Enterprise Imaging give you a productive environment that supports you and your professional staff to deliver quality patient care efficiently?

Features that make the difference

  • Advanced, Dynamic Hanging Protocols
  • A rules-based workflow engine
  • Real-time multidisciplinary collaboration
  • Embedded reporting and sectional reports


Simpler, faster reading and reporting
The intelligent presentation of patient information and the predictable workflow mean you spend less time manipulating images when reading a study. Easy-to-use collaboration and sharing functions enable you to cope with today’s increasing workloads.

Diagnostic support for clinical colleagues
With the right patient information and advanced image processing tools, you have what you need to produce confident diagnostic services. You can provide your clinical colleagues with clearly structured reports and support them with confident diagnoses, which in turn support timely treatment.

Continuous improvement of care and processes
You have a powerful, customizable framework for managing your department’s tasks efficiently. And by leveraging the rules-based workflow engine to optimize tasks, you enable your processes to be continuously improving.

Create a productive environment. Support your staff. Deliver quality patient care.
To see how, watch the clip. To discover more, click here.

Watch the video
Interested in how to create a productive environment in your organization? Schedule an appointment for an expert demonstration at RSNA 2019 and visualize the possibilities! 

Printed on : 22/10/2024 06:08
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