As announced on 5th May, 2020, the Agfa-Gevaert Group has successfully completed the sale of part of Agfa HealthCare’s IT business to the Dedalus Group.
The part that has been sold consists of the Healthcare Information Solutions activities (Electronic Health Record, the ORBIS platform) and the Integrated Care activities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France and Brazil as well as the Imaging IT activities to the extent that these activities are tightly integrated into the Healthcare Information Solutions activities in these geographies.
For more information, please access the Dedalus website.
Agfa HealthCare : Full focus and commitment
The Imaging IT software Business, which includes our IMPAX and Enterprise Imaging solutions in all other geographies, is not affected by this agreement.
Agfa HealthCare’s full focus and commitment is on realising the full potential of its core global Imaging IT software business and the Enterprise Imaging platform for the benefits of our customers and our business.
Wie am 5. Mai 2020 bekannt gegeben, hat Dedalus Group einen Teil des IT-Geschäfts von Agfa HealthCare übernommen. Die Übernahme besteht insbesondere aus den Aktivitäten von Healthcare Information Solutions und Integrated Care in der DACH-Region, Frankreich und Brasilien sowie den Imaging IT-Aktivitäten, soweit diese Aktivitäten eng in die Aktivitäten von Healthcare Information Solutions in diesen drei Regionen integriert sind.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der Website von Dedalus.
Agfa HealthCare : Volle Konzentration und Engagement
Die Imaging IT Software Aktivitäten, die unsere IMPAX- und Enterprise Imaging-Lösungen in allen anderen Regionen umfassen, sind von dieser Übernahme nicht betroffen.
Agfa HealthCare konzentriert sich voll und ganz darauf, das volle Potenzial der Imaging IT Software Solutions und der Enterprise Imaging-Plattform zum Wohle unserer Kunden und unseres Unternehmens auszuschöpfen.
Unter folgendem Link können Sie die Homepage der Website von Agfa HealthCare aufrufen.
Comme annoncé le 5 mai 2020, Dedalus Group a acquis une partie de l’activité logiciels de santé d’Agfa HealthCare. Cette transaction porte plus spécifiquement sur les activités des divisions Healthcare Information Solutions et Integrated Care pour la région DACH (Allemagne, Autriche et Suisse), la France et le Brésil, ainsi que sur les activités Imaging IT, dans la mesure où celles-ci sont étroitement intégrées aux activités de la division Healthcare Information Solutions, sur ces trois zones géographiques.
Pour plus d’information, consulter le site internet Dedalus.
Agfa HealthCare : Plein engagement
Les activités Imaging IT, qui comprennent nos solutions IMPAX et Enterprise Imaging dans toutes les autres zones géographiques, ne sont pas concernées par cet accord. Agfa HealthCare est totalement concentrée et engagée sur le développement de tout le potentiel de ses solutions Imaging IT et de sa plateforme Enterprise Imaging, au bénéfice de ses clients et de son marché.
Accédez à la page d’accueil du site web d’Agfa HealthCare ici.
Conforme anunciado em 5 de maio de 2020 a Dedalus Group adquiriu parte dos negócios de TI da Agfa HealthCare.
Especificamente, consiste nas atividades de Soluções de Informação em Cuidados de Saúde e Cuidados Integrados nas regiões de DACH, França e Brasil, bem como as atividades de Imaging IT, na medida em que essas atividades estão fortemente integradas às atividades de Soluções de Informações em Saúde nessas três Regiões.
Para mais informações, consulte o site da Dedalus. Clique aqui.
Agfa HealthCare : Foco total e comprometimento
O negócio de software de TI de imagem, que inclui nossas soluções IMPAX e Enterprise Imaging em todas as outras geografias, não é afetado por este acordo.
O foco e o comprometimento da Agfa HealthCare estão em aproveitar todo o potencial de suas soluções de Imaging IT e da plataforma Enterprise Imaging para o benefício de nossos clientes e do nosso negócio.