Understanding Global HIT Investing – KLAS Symposium

2019-06-04T18:08:45+02:00June 4th, 2019|Enterprise Imaging Platform, Events & Exhibitions|

Today thought leaders of Agfa HealthCare participated in the “Understanding Global HIT Investing” Symposium, organised by KLAS. Focusing on the future of global healthcare technology innovation and investment, this KLAS International Digital Health Investment Symposium brought together health system executives and strategic digital health vendors with directors and partners from private equity and venture capital firms.
Through a full day of round table talks and panel discussions, knowledge was shared on emerging technologies in health IT and trends that are improving clinician efficiency and patient engagement.
In a breakout session, Agfa HealthCare’s Augmented Intelligence expert, Dr. Anjum Ahmed gladly shared his insights on how at the intersection of machine learning and medicine, opportunities lie ahead for intelligent workflows that will enable improved care pathways, smart applications and personalized care.

Learn more on Augmented Intelligence, The Next Frontier in Health Imaging.


Printed on : 14/09/2024 08:03