Making the invisible visible – Enterprise Imaging Business Intelligence

To efficiently manage the complex operations of your Imaging Department, you need clear insights that help you make the right decisions.

Agfa HealthCare Enterprise Imaging Business Intelligence reveals useful data and transforms it into value and makes the invisible visible.


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Easy-to-access reports and tools let you gather, organize, analyze and manage your clinical, quality, financial and administrative data. You have what you need to make informed decisions – and then demonstrate how performance has improved.
  • Make the most of your people and materials.
  • Gain real-time insight into your operations
  • Optimize your financial controlling
  • Improve your operational efficiency
  • Show your strengths, to attract and retain patients and referrers

Clear insight for more informed decision-making. Supporting the control of your health organization’s finances.

👉Access the Agfa HealthCare website for more details on Enterprise Imaging Business Intelligence

Data Visualization Platform

How to shape a blueprint for progress – Expert Interview

Recently, ‘s Mark Nicholls discussed Agfa’s Business Intelligence solution with Product Manager Tommy Vansteenkiste, and Willy Rosé, Marketing Manager Europe.

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Read the full article on how the solution aims to transforms data into actionable insights leading to more informed decision-making and improved operational efficiency. With easy access to all operational data and reports, it can help to detect productivity gaps, maximise modality utilisation, and optimise resource utilisation and performance.

The Business Intelligence system is a window on a hospital’s data, workflows, and performance.
Willy Rosé, Head of Marketing IT Europe, Agfa HealthCare

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Printed on : 13/03/2025 06:06
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