2021-11-10T11:41:33+01:00November 10th, 2021|Enterprise Imaging Platform|

Early November IHE officially launched the IHE SHARAZONE, a new dimension in Interoperability Testing.

  • Have you ever wanted to make sure an application can consume and display medical images coming from a variety of sources and from different vendors?
  • What if vendors were able to perform this testing easily before products were released to the market?

The IHE SHARAZONE is a distinct, continuous DICOM object interoperability test offering, complementing the IHE Connectathon.

It uses a legal framework similar to that of the IHE Connectathon to support this continuous DICOM object interoperability testing between vendors.
The concept is built on existing, well-proven tooling: a dedicated Gazelle capability which is available globally, 24/7 to registered vendors for selecting shared objects of interest and report testing results to the creators of these objects.

Agfa HealthCare is proud to be a founding member of the IHE SHARAZONE, with in-depth contributions to the testing and validation of the workflow and tool. 

“For an Enterprise Imaging vendor like Agfa HealthCare, IHE SHARAZONE offers a very valuable test service. It allows us to continuously test all types of DICOM images, videos and their associated objects. That way, any new type of DICOM object that is proposed by the Creator participants is thoroughly tested and potential interoperability gaps are fixed, before it is deployed at healthcare provider sites.” 
Bruno Laffin, Verification and Validation Team Lead, Agfa HealthCare

For more information on the IHE SHARAZONE, please access the IHE website.

Printed on : 22/02/2025 05:25
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